Thursday, May 3, 2007

My Bicycle Distracts Me

I ride bikes. I have been doing this seriously for 25 years or so. Mostly on the dirt (that's for another post) on my mountain bike. I live in Laguna Beach, near what is probably one of world's best single park for riding a bike on dirt without getting lost, killed, or too far from good food and coffee.

A while back my buddy Stu who I ride with constantly convinced me to race in the Sea Otter Classic in Monterey. So we trained like mad and had a great time. Finding myself in relatively remarkable shape for a 52 year old, I decided to do something nuts. Saturday I am going to ride in the Breathless Agony (go ahead google it). So more training. The last week I rode 5 out of 7 days. A couple of 4 1/2 hour days. A couple of days with 70 miles and LOTS of hills.

I hope I'm ready. I'll fill you in.

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